You can email us at . Pre-order your roasted coffee here (available June 2025):
Our farm is located in Balili, Mankayan, Benguet, Philippines at an elevation of 1620 meters above sea level. “Agnep Coffee Farm” is the registered business name of the Department of Trade and Industry. As of March 7, 2023, Agnep Heritage Farm or Agnep Coffee Farm is owned by Agnep Agri-Products Corp.
As of the moment, we don’t conduct farm tours. Please contact Philippine Coffee Board for the schedule of farm visits.
For any inquiries on collaboration or partnerships, please contact us below:
Thank you.
Marielle Dado
Project Director
Berlin, Germany
Luis H. Dado
Owner/Proprietor, Agnep Coffee Farm
Balili, Mankayan, Benguet
Manila, Philippines
Lauren Dado
Marketing Director
Noemi Lardizabal-Dado
CEO, Agnep Agri-Products Corp.
Mankayan, Benguet
Manila, Philippines
Our Lead Farmers: Farmer Edmund and Farmer Angeline
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