
Welcome to Agnep Heritage Farms.

Filmed August 2021

“Rooted in Tradition, Brewing the Future of Coffee”

Agnep Heritage Farms is owned by Agnep Agri-Products Corp.

We are budding coffee producers cultivating shade-grown Benguet Arabica Coffee. We envision planting coffee under the canopy of Benguet pine and Alnos trees.  Shade grown coffee is a way of growing coffee in concert with nature.

It is our goal to encourage a future generation of coffee growers in Benguet using sustainable agricultural processes.

Planting started May 24, 2018 with 1,000 seedlings from Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture, Regional Field Office of the Cordillera Administrative Region (DA-RFO CAR)
February 2020 : Coffee seedlings, planted on May 2018 on its second year.
January 21, 2021 : Coffee planted in 2018 and 2019 are so tall now
February 2022
February 2022
Our first harvest started in December 2020 but around only 20 kgs. We used sun drying but the rainy weather brought molds to the dried cherries. Our next bountiful harvest was from December 2021 until Apri;l 2022. We used the washed method for processing.

We are grateful to the Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture, Regional Field Office of the Cordillera Administrative Region (DA-RFO CAR) through the Regional High Value Crop Development Program (HVCDP) Coordinator Joan Dimas-Bacbac for the coffee seedlings they provided for us since we started in 2018.

About us

Who We Are


Rooted in Tradition, Brewing the Future of Coffee

Agnep Heritage Farms is owned by Agnep Agri-products Corp.

We are a family of budding coffee producers cultivating shade-grown Benguet arabica coffee in Balili, Mankayan, Benguet in the Cordilleras mountain range of the Philippines. Our farm started in January 2018 with a simple question: “What if we could grow coffee using our great-grandmother’s land?”

Intrigued by this possibility, we took a closer look at our ancestral land in Benguet, and discovered that its forest-like environment had just the right amount of shade for growing coffee. In fact, our great great-grandmother Agnep was Bontoc native and a backyard coffee grower who kept typica plants underneath a thick canopy of Benguet Pine, Kalasan and Alnos trees. Several years ago, Purita Hora-Dado, our grandmother and Sean Luke Dado, our uncle planted Typica, Granica, and Red bourbon coffee plants, which ended up yielding cherries despite being left on their own. This was all the encouragement we needed to begin our coffee journey.

READ: Our coffee wins Bronze in the Signature Coffee Award: Brewing at the Global Coffee Championships

Five months later, we finished planting 1,200 red bourbon coffee plants, and we are learning everything we can about coffee farming and processing. Our dream is to offer Philippine specialty coffee to the world, while providing sustainable benefits to local farmers and nurturing the next generation of coffee growers in the Benguet region.

As of today, September 2024 , we have planted 9,967 coffee plants. 

(Written by Lauren and Marielle Dado)

Our Mission

To be among Benguet’s leading producers of specialty coffee that grows sustainable, high-quality Arabica. We aim to be cost-competitive and aligned with global quality standards, while following environment-friendly growing processes. Through our farm, we want to provide sustainable benefits to farmers, processors, traders, exporters and consumers.

Core Values

  • Environmental responsibility. We value the environment where we grow our coffee. We will only use sustainable agricultural practices that preserve our forest system and maintain the productivity of the land over time.
  • Commitment to the community. We are committed to giving fair compensation for the work of our coffee farmers. We aim to educate and empower the next generation of coffee farmers in Benguet, so they can grow along with us and develop sustainable livelihoods of their own.
  • Continuous improvement. We strive to maintain high standards in everything we do, while improving our methods with practice. Through our culture of constant education, research, and growth, we aim to constantly refine our methods as we strive to make our Benguet arabica meet global standards.

Meet our lead farmers

Meet Farmer Edmund
Farmer Angeline at our Nursery

And at least 27 farmers and helpers since 2018.

The Dado Family
October 20, 2022

We are grateful to Joey and Tess Dado, who paved the way to get our coffee seedlings from the Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture, Regional Field Office of the Cordillera Administrative Region (DA-RFO CAR) through Joan Dimas-Bacbac.


15 edible wild fruits of Benguet identified in our coffee farm

Hidden among the lush forests of Benguet province lies a treasure trove of wild edible fruits, deeply woven into the fabric of local culture and cuisine. Grown under kalasan and other shade trees, these fruits thrive alongside our shade-grown coffee, enriching the region’s biodiversity. An ethnobotanical survey by Racquel Tan Chua-Barcelo identified 36 species spread …

Raising a Cup to 7 Years: Agnep Heritage Coffee’s Anniversary

We’re celebrating seven years of Agnep Heritage Coffee! It feels like just yesterday, we were publishing our first blog post, connecting with our early supporters, and sharing our passion for sustainable coffee. In our first post, we wrote: June 10, 2018 READ: Agnep pushes sustainability through its shade-grown coffee, Feature story in the Business World, …

Christmas Gift Ideas from Agnep Heritage Coffee

👉  Pre-order now and experience the Agnep difference:  https://benguetarabica.coffee/buy-our-coffee/ As the holidays approach, we’re feeling warm and cozy here at Agnep Heritage Farm. And we have just the thing to make your holidays even even cozier : single drip brew and Cascara tea alongside your old favorites, roasted coffee beans ! ✨ New and Festive! …

Benguet Arabica is listed in Ark of Taste

The coffee variety, ARABICA, is now officially in the Slow Food’s Ark of Taste as the number of trees in Benguet continue to dwindle. Many reasons contribute to its declining population, such as climate change, coupled with the diminishing interest of the younger generation to go into coffee farming. Read more?


You can email us at contact@agnep.com . Pre-order your roasted coffee here (available June 2025):

Our farm is located in Balili, Mankayan, Benguet, Philippines at an elevation of 1620 meters above sea level. “Agnep Coffee Farm” is the registered business name of the Department of Trade and Industry. As of March 7, 2023, Agnep Heritage Farm or Agnep Coffee Farm is owned by Agnep Agri-Products Corp.

As of the moment, we don’t conduct farm tours. Please contact Philippine Coffee Board for the schedule of farm visits.

For any inquiries on collaboration or partnerships, please contact us below:

Thank you.

Marielle Dado
Project Director
Berlin, Germany

Luis H. Dado

Owner/Proprietor, Agnep Coffee Farm
Balili, Mankayan, Benguet
Manila, Philippines

Lauren Dado
Marketing Director

Noemi Lardizabal-Dado
CEO, Agnep Agri-Products Corp.
Mankayan, Benguet
Manila, Philippines

Our Lead Farmers: Farmer Edmund and Farmer Angeline

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Our facebook page. Agnep Coffee farm

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https://vb.me/BusinessAccount/d921a4de-68b0-11ee-9227-3a7cdb9905fc – Use the link in your Viber app.